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Monday, November 7, 2011


Of all the signs that we have in our different languages ,nations and religions..i feel that this one particular sign which just keeps popping up  every now and then, the inevitable question mark "?".

The questions just dont stop and so does the sign.The question changes forms,shapes ,timing....Sometimes they are for concern,some for love ,some for guilt ,forgiveness...but the sign just keeps hitting you again and again....
From a simple wassup?? to the life changing questions where people ask you " Are you sure you want to do this"??Even when you heaven or in some cases hell ;) ,the questions still dont leave you ...They just dont stop ,Do they ;)???

How do you respond when all these questions are thrown at you .Do you deflect, reflect ,effect?? Life as i see it is a series of questions and answers .A question is asked , you answer it on your understanding and based on your answers the future of your life changes...So the next time a question is asked , be conscious of the answer that u really conscious.Because once you have answered theres no going back....and because out of the two ,  answers are the one you have some control over :).....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rishika,

    Let me first tell you that this blog is one of those really meaningful blogs that I have come across. Congrats! & do keep Posting!!

    Now let me tell you a little about how I think Questions are important in our lives. Questions as you rightly said are an integral part of our lives. From simple Childhood questions like - "aap kahan jaa rahe ho?" to rather important Youth stage dilemnas - "Is this what I want/desrve?" questions have always formed the basis of how we look at things & people.

    However, I think you are over emphasising on the response side of questions. True, the way you answer is important as it sometimes forms basis of all future judgements you are gonna make on the subject/topic BUT I feel that the understanding of how & why are those questions formed are much more important & insightful + thought provoking.

    My belief is that before becoming conscious of what you are answering You Must be fully aware of What you are asking & are being asked. Because only when you understand yourself well, that, you ll be able to understand others, their prejudices & biases & their apprehensions / thought process which will make you understand the origins of those questions.

    However, let me once again thank you for having such a nice thoughts provoking blog wherein we can discuss such nice ideas!!

